Past Events

UN World Data Forum

22/10/2018 – 24/10/2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Following one of the main recommendations contained in the report entitled “A World That Counts” , presented in November 2014 by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Independent Expert and Advisory Group on Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, the Statistical Commission agreed that a United Nations World Data Forum on Sustainable Development Data (UN World Data Forum) would be the suitable platform for intensifying cooperation with various professional groups, such as information technology, geospatial information managers, data scientists, and users, as well as civil society stakeholders. The second UN World Data Forum is hosted by the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, with support from the UN Statistics Divisionmore


50th Session of UN Statistical Commission

05/03/2019 – 08/03/2019, New York City, USA

The UN Statistical Commission is holding its 50th session from 5-8 March 2019 at the UN Headquarters in New York City. The UNSC brings together Chief Statisticians from UN Member States, and is the highest decision making body for international statistical activities. The Commission consists of 24 member countries of the UN elected by the Economic and Social Council on the basis of an equitable geographical distribution. (Learn More)


World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

22/01/2019 – 25/01/2019, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland

The Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum is the only yearly gathering that brings together leaders of global society. The heads and members of more than 100 governments, top executives of the 1,000 foremost global companies, leaders of international organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, the most prominent cultural, societal and thought leaders, and the disruptive voices of the Forum’s Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers and Technology Pioneers come together at the beginning of each year to define priorities and shape global, industry and regional agendas. Participation is by invitation only and reserved for members of the Forum’s communities. (Learn More)


Panel: Understanding and Measuring Data Use

06/12/2018, Washington, DC, USA

To close the gap between the production of official statistics and their dissemination and use, development partners and funders need a better understanding of the barriers that national statistical offices (NSO) face. Two new reports offer a holistic view of what can be done.


6th OECD World Forum on “Statistics, Knowledge and Policy”

27/11/2018 – 29/11/2018, Incheon, Republic of Korea

The 6th OECD World Forum will showcase international best practices and innovations to improve quality of life and sustainable well-being for all. It will take a forward-looking perspective, focussing on issues such as digitalization, trust, the role of government and business in improving well-being, among many other topics…more


IDRC Panel: Who Counts, Who Matters

22/11/2018, Ottawa, Canada

For data to protect the rights of the most vulnerable and provide for their needs, it must count those who are often left behind. As part of its Solutions for Gender Equality speaker series, IDRC hosts a panel on how reliable, sex-disaggregated data can benefit women and girls by making policies and programs more relevant to them and how innovative approaches can address gender data gaps in developing countries to ensure that the data benefits those who are often invisible when data is generated, used, and interpreted.


SciDataCon 2018

22/10/2018 – 26/10/2018, Gaborone, Botswana

Hosted by CODATA, SciDataCon 2018 will address the theme of ‘The Digital Frontiers of Global Science’.  In a hyperconnected world where the internet is pervasive and web technologies are driving major changes in our lives, research has become more than ever before digital and international.  Furthermore, the major societal and scientific challenges facing humanity in this digital age are profoundly global in character, requiring the participation of researchers from all countries and disciplines. The data revolution is also a major source of the scientific opportunities to address these issues but to realise these potentials the frontiers of science, data analysis and stewardship must be advanced.  Likewise, the data revolution must be inclusive, benefitting all,  and harnessing all energies: no parts of the world and no disciplines should be left behind….more


International Open Data Conference

27/09/2018 – 28/09/2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The International Open Data Conference (IODC) is a biannual event to bring the global open data community together in order to learn, share, plan, and collaborate on the future of open data. Under the theme “The Future is Open”, this year’s conference will reconvene our ever expanding community to address the key issues and challenges facing the open data community today, and seek to identify innovative solutions and opportunities for increased collaboration that will translate into real progress in the years ahead…more


IAOS-OECD Conference 2018

19/09/2018 – 21/09/2018, Paris, France

The International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will jointly organize the 16th edition of the IAOS Conference, Better Statistics for Better Lives that will take place at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, France. With the aim of promoting official statistics, the theme of this conference Better Statistics for Better Lives will serve as an umbrella to discuss the most pressing problems regarding the production, dissemination, and use of official statistics. This conference will be an important driver of the agenda towards better understanding official statistics, increasing their usefulness, addressing challenges, and finding potential options to improve statistics in a particular subject or field…more
