Gender-Inclusive Feminist Urban Design
CHANGE, Data-Pop Alliance and Open Data Watch announce a new initiative and Inception Report aimed to assist city planners create inclusive and safe cities for women, girls, and diverse gender identities through better gender data.
How Open is SDG Reporting?
Existing guidelines do not explicitly call for open data in SDG reporting, but the language used could facilitate open data practices if VNRs followed the six recommendations of this report.
Open Climate Data Template in Action
Open data about climate change and its impacts are vital to planning and implementing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. The Open Climate Data Template Workbook is available as a resource for users to assess data availability and openness themselves in support of National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS), National Adaptation Plans or other relevant planning processes.
Summary Brief: Finding Open Climate Data
Open data about climate change and its impacts are vital to planning and implementing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. This brief provides an overview of how the Open Climate Data Template (OCDT) works, including general methodology, how indicators were selected, how availability and openness are assessed, and how it complements other tools.
Assessment Analysis: Open Climate Data
Open data about climate change and its impacts are vital to planning and implementing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. This analysis examines pilot assessments conducted in six African countries using the Open Climate Data Template (OCDT). The analysis shares results and suggests takeaways for countries in similar geographic and economic groups.
Briefing: Harnessing the Power of Intersectional Data for Policies and Impact
It is a pivotal moment in sustainable development to collect and analysze intersectional data in order to address the intersecting barriers that are currently hindering SDG progress.
Data Action Plan Sets Targets for 2030
Developed by a coalition of partner groups, the Data Action Plan 2030 was presented to the SDG Summit as a way to leverage the data revolution over the next six years to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
Gender Equality Demands Gender Data
As the world observes Women’s Day 2023, ODW looks at the numbers and at ongoing efforts to close gender data gaps through smart data financing, strengthened country capacity, and innovative practical solutions.
Overcoming Data Graveyards in Official Statistics
Billions of gigabytes of data are produced daily, but valuable data often pass into “data graveyards” — lost when most needed for evidence-informed decisions on pandemics, climate change, and energy and food insecurity. This report finds best practices to improve data use and impact.
Understanding Usability of SDG National Reporting Platforms
Monitoring several national Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) reporting platforms and portals, Open Data Watch reports a number of search and access problems and makes recommendations for potential improvements.
Brochure: Bridging Gender Data Gaps in Africa
This brochure summarizes the key findings of the full “Bridging the Gap: Mapping Gender Data Availability in Africa” technical report and efforts to understand, identify, and respond to the challenge having policy-relevant data about the lives of women and girls in Africa.
Brochure: Measuring Data Use
The effectiveness of websites or data portals maintained by National Statistical Offices depends whether data users are aware of their existence and contents, and whether they are monitored and managed to assure that users can readily find what they are seeking…
Counting on Statistics
A result of a joint project between AidData and Open Data Watch, the Counting on Statistics report examines how official statistics are being used from the perspective of 400 national statistical office officials and 650 government ministry officials in 140 low- and middle-income countries.
Measuring Data Use
The effectiveness of websites or data portals maintained by National Statistical Offices depends whether data users are aware of their existence and contents and, importantly, whether they are organized and monitored so that users can find the information they are seeking…
The Data Value Chain: Moving from Production to Impact
Data are the factual currency for evidence-based policy making. The data value chain describes the evolution of data from collection to analysis, dissemination, and the final impact of data on decision making.
Ready to Measure – Phase2 – SDG Gender Indicators
Achieving gender equality – and monitoring its progress – needs a significant improvement in data disaggregated by sex, age, and other important attributes. Access to high-quality gender data are critical to a country’s ability to compile each of the indicators needed to monitor and implement the SDGs; but how many of these indicators are available today?
Ready to Measure: Twenty Indicators for Monitoring SDG Gender Targets
The fundamental principle of the 2030 development agenda is to leave no one behind. Achieving real inclusion – and monitoring progress – will require a significant improvement in the availability of data.